Vu qu'on ne dispose d'aucun élément du dossier, on ne va pas se prononcer sur le fond de l'affaire qui a déclenché l'arrestation de Freddie Gibbs quelques minutes avant un concert à Toulouse.
Mais ce qui est certain, c'est que le emcee nie en bloc les charges retenues contre lui et qu'il se trouve toujours en France, dans l'attente d'une possible extradition vers l'Autriche où il pourrait être jugé pour les faits qui lui sont reprochés.
Mais à son grand soulagement, Freddie Gibbs va pouvoir rapidement humer l'air frais puisqu'il va être libéré contre une caution de 50.000 EUR (et son passeport) et à la condition qu'il se présente devant les autorités trois fois par semaine.
Pour tous les détails, on vous renvoie au communiqué publié par son équipe d'avocats :
“I am pleased to announce that the French attorneys, Ludovic Riviere and Michael Malka, were able to convince the Judge in Toulouse to release Freddie Gibbs on bail pending a final decision on the extradition request by the Austrian authorities. He will be released upon the deposit of $50,000 Euros. He will be required to turn in his passport and check in with authorities 3 times per week. We expect him to be released either today or tomorrow while the court decides what to do with the extradition request. Additionally, last weekend, I had the chance to fly to France and meet with Freddie and the attorneys from both France and Austria. After the meeting, and talking to Freddie it is really shocking these allegations were ever filed against him. They were brought months later with no scientific nor physical evidence against him. We are hoping that the Public Prosecutor in Austria sees this and decides not to file formal charges against him. If she does, Freddie will fight them with everything he has.
He has worked too hard on his career and family to get where he is and is in complete shock over this false allegation.
It is important to note that his fiancé has flown to France to support him. She has his back and knows he didn’t do anything wrong.”